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Pacemaker-Loop Recorder Implantation


What is Pacemaker Implantation?

A pacemaker is a small implantable device that monitors and regulates heart rate. The device is implanted just beneath the skin, near the heart. 

Who needs a pacemaker?

Pacemakers are typically given to patients who have an arrhythmia. In many cases, a pacemaker may speed up a heartbeat that is too slow (bradycardia) or one that alternates between fast and slow. However, even patients with atrial fibrillation (AF), a condition in which the heart beats too quickly, could need a pacemaker. In many cases, patients with AF receive a treatment, such as a catheter ablation or medication. Natural aging of the heart, heart block, and heart failure can also be reasons for needing a pacemaker.

What is an implantable loop recorder?

An implantable loop recorder is a device that records electrical activity in an individual’s heart. The device is somewhat similar to a pacemaker. The key difference is the loop recorder does not regulate heart rate. 

Who needs an implantable loop recorder?

An implantable loop recorder is typically given to patients who experience symptoms that could be heart-related, such as fainting, lightheadedness, dizziness, seizure, and frequent palpitations, but do not experience symptoms with enough regularity that they can be captured by a 24-hour to 30-day Holter monitor. 

For more specific questions relating to pacemaker and loop recorder implantation, contact us today